Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I need your skis, your boots and your motorcycle.

Today I arrived in Kelowna. I had booked a bus trip that went overnight, my thinking being that I'd save on a night of accommodation, but that really didn't work out as I ended up booking another night in Vancouver so I could sleep during the afternoon.

During my wait at the bus station I was asked for money by three different homeless people. I gave them a few energy bars and some lose change. I asked the security guard why there are so many homeless people in Vancouver. He said that they wanted to be homeless.

In all fairness Vancouver is a pretty cool city, it's just that all of that is tainted by a massive social issue that it seems to be ignoring.

When my bus finally arrived at midnight I attempted to have several sessions of interrupted sleep. Occasionally I'd wake up as the entire bus shuddered and groaned. I realised this was the sound of the bus losing control on the ice. During these times I took the opportunity to look out at the night scenery which resembled something from a Stephen King novel.

Kelowna (pronounced Key-low-nah) is the type of place you'd expect to see a Cohen Brother's film set. It's a completely flat city surrounded by hills with a population of about 100,000. Every second person drives a pickup truck. Basically it's what Townsville would look like if it were within missile range of the Arctic circle.

When I arrived in Kelowna I began my mission to find myself all the necessary ski equipment I would require for my skiing adventures. I got some good deals on my skis, boots and jackets etc as all the stores are currently having a "Spring Sale".

I also bought a really good pair of socks. Good socks are very important. They're called Kodiak Mountaineer socks. They're made from real Kodiak Bears, so you know they're good.

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