Saturday, March 8, 2008

"What a terrible fucking day"....

...were the first words I heard uttered out of the mouth of story lecturer Robert McKee. He's almost completely like his portrayal by Brian Cox in Adaptation except he has a thick New York accent instead of a British one, and he says "fuck" a lot more. But he's a really awesome lecturer.
Minor thrills included taking a piss at the urineal next to him and having him sign my copy of STORY. I also asked what I thought was an intelligent querstion and he didn't yell at me.

It's been pretty cool to meet so many other people whose goal is also to write for film. On the first day I meet an Australian girl who lives in London named Nadiya. The Australaian accent is a powerful ice breaker amoungst all these crazy Calafornian's. She's been to L.A. several times before so it's cool becuase now I've got someone to show me around town. I've also meet a copule of other people who actually work in the industry as well as a dentist who really wants to write.

The good news is the McKee is coming to Australia in August so I'm thinking I might re-take the seminar then as well because the information is far too much to absorb in one weekend. It's really good stuff.

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